Are you looking for a natural way to remove skin tags? Apple cider vinegar (ACV) might be just what you need. This household staple is famed not only for its health benefits but also for its effectiveness in removing skin tags due to its acidic properties. Here’s an easy-to-follow guide on how to use apple cider vinegar to gently and effectively remove skin tags.

Understanding Skin Tags

Skin tags are small, soft, skin-colored growths that typically occur on the neck, underarms, eyelids, and other body folds. They are harmless but can be annoying or cosmetically undesirable for some.

Why Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is acidic, which means it can help break down the tissue surrounding the skin tag, causing it to eventually fall off. It’s a method favored for its natural approach and simplicity.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Materials Needed:

  • Apple cider vinegar

  • Cotton balls or swabs

  • Bandage or medical tape

  • Cleanser and towel


  1. Clean the Area: Start by gently cleaning the skin tag and surrounding area with mild soap and warm water. Dry thoroughly.

  2. Apply Vinegar:

    • Soak a cotton ball or swab in apple cider vinegar.

    • Squeeze out excess vinegar to avoid dripping.

    • Place the soaked cotton on the skin tag and ensure it covers the tag completely.

  3. Secure It:

    • Use a bandage or medical tape to hold the cotton ball in place.

    • Ensure it’s snug but not too tight, as the skin needs to breathe.

  4. Leave It Overnight:

    • For best results, leave the cotton ball on overnight. If you’re concerned about irritation, start with a few hours to test your skin’s reaction.

  5. Repeat Daily:

    • Remove the cotton ball in the morning and wash the area with water.

    • Repeat this process nightly until the skin tag darkens, dries, and falls off, which can take a few days to a couple of weeks.

Tips and Cautions

  • Skin Sensitivity: Always test a small area of your skin with apple cider vinegar before applying it to the skin tag, as some may find it too harsh.

  • Discontinue if Irritated: If you experience any redness, itching, or burning, stop the treatment and rinse the area with water.

  • Patience is Key: The process can take time, and consistency is crucial for success.


Using apple cider vinegar to remove skin tags is a cost-effective and natural method that you can try safely at home. With a little patience and careful application, you might find it a useful remedy to clear up your skin. Remember, for any persistent or concerning skin issues, consulting a healthcare provider is always the best course of action.