We all dream of having bright, white teeth and a dazzling smile, but professional treatments can be costly. What if I told you there’s a simple, natural remedy that can help remove tartar and whiten your teeth in just two minutes? The secret ingredient is turmeric! This golden spice, commonly found in your kitchen, offers incredible benefits for your dental health. Let’s explore how turmeric can transform your smile.

Why Turmeric?

Turmeric is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It contains curcumin, a compound that helps fight bacteria and reduce inflammation. While it might seem odd to use a yellow spice for teeth whitening, turmeric actually works wonders without the harsh chemicals found in commercial products.

Benefits of Using Turmeric for Your Teeth

1. Removes Tartar and Plaque

Turmeric’s antibacterial properties help in breaking down plaque and tartar build-up on your teeth. Regular use can prevent plaque formation and maintain better oral hygiene.

2. Natural Teeth Whitening

Turmeric gently polishes your teeth, removing surface stains and giving them a natural, whiter appearance. Unlike some whitening treatments that can make your teeth sensitive, turmeric is gentle and safe.

3. Fights Bad Breath

The antibacterial qualities of turmeric also help combat bad breath by killing the bacteria responsible for it, leaving your mouth feeling fresh.

How to Use Turmeric for Teeth Whitening

Using turmeric to whiten your teeth and remove tartar is simple and quick. Here’s a step-by-step guide:


  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder

  • Toothbrush (an old one, as it might get stained)

  • A few drops of water or coconut oil (optional)


  1. Prepare the Paste: Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder with a few drops of water or coconut oil to form a paste. Coconut oil adds extra antibacterial benefits and makes the paste smoother.

  2. Apply to Your Teeth: Dip your toothbrush into the turmeric paste. Brush your teeth gently with the turmeric paste, covering all surfaces.

  3. Brush for 2 Minutes: Continue brushing for about 2 minutes. Don’t worry about the yellow color; it won’t stain your teeth.

  4. Rinse Thoroughly: Spit out the turmeric and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. You might need to brush your teeth again with regular toothpaste to remove the turmeric residue.

Tips for Best Results

  • Frequency: Use this turmeric paste 2-3 times a week for best results. Overuse can lead to gum irritation, so moderation is key.

  • Use an Old Toothbrush: Turmeric can stain your toothbrush, so it’s best to use an old one for this purpose.

  • Consistency: Consistent use will provide the best whitening and tartar removal results. Be patient and enjoy the gradual improvement in your dental health.


Turmeric is a fantastic, natural solution for removing tartar and whitening your teeth. This simple, two-minute routine can save you money on dental treatments and help you achieve a brighter smile from the comfort of your home. Give it a try and experience the incredible benefits of turmeric for yourself. Your teeth will thank you!