Carrot Juice

She Conquered Cancer with Carrot Juice

Ann Cameron, a renowned author, found herself in the spotlight when she was diagnosed with colon cancer. But she didn’t let it shatter her spirit. Hi, I’m Ann Cameron.

In 2012, after undergoing surgery for stage 3 colon cancer, Ann made the courageous decision to decline chemotherapy. While she initially felt better, a follow-up CT scan six months later revealed probable cancer in her lungs. With little hope, she began her relentless search for alternative treatments.

Amidst her research, Ann stumbled upon a letter by Ralph Cole, a California man who claimed that drinking five pounds of carrot juice a day had helped eliminate his cancer. Intrigued, Ann decided to give it a try.

The Astonishing Results

In November 2012, Ann started her daily routine of juicing five pounds of carrots. The journey was filled with hope, but it wasn’t until January 2013, after eight weeks on the carrot juice, that she received the news she had been desperately waiting forβ€”a CT scan showed the cancer had stopped growing and the tumors were shrinking.

Month after month, the incredible progress continued. By July 2013, a CT scan revealed no evidence of cancer. The swollen lymph nodes had returned to their normal size and stability. Ann couldn’t contain her excitement and shared her carrot juice treatment with her oncologist, who acknowledged the potential of natural substances but couldn’t recommend them without formal studies or statistical support.

The Science behind the Carrot Cure

What makes carrot juice so powerful against cancer? The secret lies in falcarinol, a potent compound found in carrots. Studies conducted in the UK and Denmark have shown that falcarinol has cancer-fighting properties, particularly against squamous cell cancers.

Drinking the juice from five pounds of carrots daily, as Ralph and Ann have done, is equivalent to a human receiving a dose more than triple what researchers have given to lab rats. These promising lab experiments have shown a 33% decrease in tumor growth among the rats.

Ann’s Message of Hope

Ann’s remarkable journey with carrot juice has inspired many, including those searching for alternative cancer treatments. She hopes that more individuals and organizations will contribute to the funding of further research by Dr. Kirsten Brandt and her colleagues.

While Ann continues to enjoy occasional carrot juice, she encourages everyone to explore healthier lifestyle choices, such as reducing meat and ice cream intake and incorporating more salads into their diet.

To summarize Ann’s journey: Just two weeks after starting the carrot juice, there was no improvement. Eight weeks later, the tumors had stopped growing and were shrinking. And after four months, all the lymph nodes in her lungs had returned to normal. Finally, after eight months, there was no sign of cancer anywhere in her body.

So let’s raise our glasses of carrot juice to Ann’s triumph over cancer and the hope it brings to others. Please share this story of hope and healing!