Onions are a staple in many kitchens, and knowing how to store them properly can ensure you have a fresh supply all year round. With the right techniques, you can store onions for up to two years without spoiling, making them perfect for winter preparation. Here’s how you can do it easily at home.

Why Store Onions?

Onions are versatile and essential for many recipes. Proper storage helps maintain their flavor, texture, and nutritional value, ensuring you always have this vital ingredient on hand.

Selecting the Right Onions

1. Choose the Right Variety:

  • Best for Storage: Choose storage-friendly varieties like yellow onions, which have a longer shelf life compared to sweet onions.

  • Inspect for Quality: Select firm onions with dry, papery skins. Avoid any with soft spots, blemishes, or sprouting.

Preparing Onions for Storage

2. Cure the Onions:

  • Drying Process: Spread the onions out in a single layer in a well-ventilated, dry area. Let them cure for two to three weeks. The outer skins will become papery, and the necks will tighten.

  • Check Regularly: Turn the onions occasionally and remove any that show signs of rot.

Storing Onions Properly

3. Storage Method:

  • Cool, Dark, and Dry: Store onions in a cool (32-40°F or 0-4°C), dark, and dry place. A basement, garage, or cellar is ideal.

  • Air Circulation: Ensure good air circulation around the onions to prevent moisture buildup, which can cause spoilage.

4. Storage Containers:

  • Mesh Bags: Place the onions in mesh bags or baskets to allow air circulation. Avoid plastic bags, which can trap moisture.

  • Pantyhose Method: Alternatively, use old pantyhose. Place an onion in the foot, tie a knot above it, and add the next one. Hang the pantyhose in a cool, dry place, and cut below the knots as you need an onion.

Tips for Long-Term Storage

5. Regular Inspection:

  • Check Monthly: Inspect stored onions monthly for any signs of spoilage. Remove any soft, sprouting, or rotten onions immediately to prevent them from affecting the others.

6. Avoid Moisture:

  • Keep Dry: Ensure the storage area remains dry. Excessive moisture can lead to mold and rot. If you notice any dampness, consider using a dehumidifier.


Storing onions correctly can ensure you have a fresh supply throughout the winter and beyond, lasting up to two years. By choosing the right varieties, curing them properly, and storing them in the right conditions, you can prevent spoilage and enjoy the full flavor and benefits of onions all year round. Try these simple steps, and you’ll never have to worry about spoiled onions again. Happy storing!