She Drank Carrot Juice Every Day For 8 Months, You Won’t Believe What Happened!

Ann Cameron, a well-known children’s book author, became a household name when she was diagnosed with colon cancer. But her story took a surprising turn when she decided to try an unconventional treatment. And the results were nothing short of remarkable.

In 2012, Ann underwent surgery for Stage 3 colon cancer. Despite feeling better after the surgery, a follow-up CT scan revealed the presence of cancerous tumors in her lungs. The oncologist diagnosed her with Stage 4 colon cancer that had metastasized to her lungs. The prognosis was grim – she had only a few years to live, even with chemotherapy.

Determined to find an alternative to traditional treatment, Ann stumbled upon a letter written by a man named Ralph Cole. He claimed that drinking five pounds of carrot juice daily had eliminated small cancers on his neck, and others had reported similar results. Intrigued by this testimonial, Ann decided to give it a try.

And so, she embarked on a carrot juice regimen, consuming five pounds of carrots every day. She made no other dietary changes and did not undergo chemotherapy or radiation. The only thing she did was to drink carrot juice faithfully and accept prayers and positive energy from her loved ones.

After just eight weeks of drinking carrot juice, Ann had her first CT scan. The results were astounding – no tumor growth, some shrinkage, and fewer swollen lymph nodes. The tumors had stopped growing. And this was just the beginning of her incredible journey.

For the next eight months, Ann continued her daily carrot juice routine. She used an Omega Juicer and later switched to a Champion Juicer. Both proved to be effective in extracting the juice from the carrots. And each month, when she traveled, Ann would go without juice for a few consecutive days.

CT scans conducted throughout her treatment showed no signs of cancer. The swollen cancerous lymph nodes had returned to normal, and the tumors continued to shrink. On July 30th, 2013, a CT scan revealed no evidence of cancer in her body. Ann was overjoyed.

Ann’s oncologist, although amazed by her progress, couldn’t officially endorse carrot juice as a cancer treatment due to the lack of scientific studies. However, she acknowledged that natural substances could have potential benefits. Ann decided to continue occasional carrot juice consumption, along with healthier dietary habits.

To recap Ann’s progress: two weeks after starting the carrot juice, there was no improvement. But after eight weeks, the tumors stopped growing and began to shrink. Four months in, all her lung lymph nodes returned to normal, and after eight months, there was no sign of cancer in her body.

The carrot cure was not just limited to Ann’s experience. Ralph Cole, the man she had initially read about, had successfully treated his squamous cell cancers with carrot juice as well. The active compound in carrots, falcarinol, has also been proven effective against cancer in lab experiments.

Ann hopes that more people and organizations will support the research that has struggled to gain financial backing. Dr. Kirsten Brandt and her colleagues in the UK have shown promising results with carrots and falcarinol in lab rats injected with carcinogens. Their work could potentially revolutionize cancer treatment.

Ann’s story is an inspiration to all. Carrot juice may not be a magical cure-all, but it certainly had a profound impact on her battle against cancer. And who knows, it might just make a difference for others too.

Remember, it’s essential to consult with medical professionals before starting any alternative treatments. But sometimes, a simple carrot can be more powerful than we ever imagined.

Source: Ann Cameron’s Personal Account