Pomegranates are celebrated for their delicious seeds and juice, but did you know that their peels are just as valuable? Often discarded as waste, pomegranate peels are a treasure trove of benefits waiting to be utilized in various ways around your home. From health remedies to household uses, the peels of this vibrant fruit are packed with potential. Here’s why you should think twice before tossing out pomegranate peels.

Health Benefits of Pomegranate Peel

1. Rich in Antioxidants: Pomegranate peels contain a higher concentration of certain antioxidants than the fruit’s juice or seeds. These antioxidants help protect your cells from damage by combating free radicals in your body.

2. Supports Digestive Health: The high dietary fiber in pomegranate peel can aid in digestion and prevent issues like constipation and bloating. A powder made from dried pomegranate peel can be a fantastic supplement for gut health.

3. Anti-inflammatory Properties: The anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranate peels make them an excellent natural remedy for reducing inflammation and relieving pain, particularly in conditions like arthritis.

How to Use Pomegranate Peels

1. Making Pomegranate Peel Tea: To make a soothing cup of tea, boil a handful of clean, dried pomegranate peels in water for a few minutes. This tea can help soothe sore throats and even combat cold symptoms.

2. Pomegranate Peel Powder: Dry the peels completely in a sunny spot or a dehydrator and then grind them into a fine powder. This powder can be used as a health supplement, sprinkled over salads, or added to smoothies.

3. Natural Skin Care: The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory qualities of pomegranate peel make it great for skin health. Mix the powder with water to create a paste and use it as a face mask to help reduce acne, sun damage, and signs of aging.

4. Household Cleaner: The acidic nature of pomegranate peels makes them effective for cleaning and polishing metal surfaces. Rub the inside of the peel on metal to restore shine.

5. Garden Use: Pomegranate peel can be added to your compost pile as it breaks down well and enriches the compost with nutrients.


Next time you enjoy a pomegranate, save the peels and put them to good use. Whether it’s enhancing your health, caring for your skin, or even cleaning your home, pomegranate peels offer an array of benefits that should not be overlooked. They’re not just waste; they’re a valuable resource with numerous practical applications.