Introduction Are you tired of dealing with pesky cockroaches, mosquitoes, and flies in your home? There’s a simple, natural solution that can help you get rid of these unwanted guests in less than 10 seconds—burning cloves! Cloves not only have a pleasant aroma but also contain properties that repel insects effectively. Here’s how you can use burning cloves to keep your home pest-free.

Ingredients To create this quick and effective insect repellent, you’ll need:

  • Whole cloves

  • A heatproof dish or a small bowl

  • A lighter or matches

Preparation Steps

  1. Gather Your Materials: Ensure you have a heatproof dish or a small bowl where you can safely burn the cloves. Whole cloves are easily available at most grocery stores or spice shops.

  2. Set Up the Dish: Place a handful of whole cloves in the heatproof dish. Make sure the dish is placed on a safe, non-flammable surface away from any flammable materials.

  3. Light the Cloves: Use a lighter or matches to ignite the cloves. Let them catch fire briefly, and then blow out the flame, allowing the cloves to smolder and release smoke.

  4. Distribute the Smoke: Carry the dish around the areas where you want to repel cockroaches, mosquitoes, and flies. Ensure the smoke reaches corners, under furniture, and other spots where insects might hide.

How It Works

Cloves: Cloves contain eugenol, a powerful natural compound known for its insect-repelling properties. The smoke from burning cloves spreads this compound into the air, creating an environment that is intolerable for cockroaches, mosquitoes, and flies.


  1. Instant Results: Burning cloves works almost instantly, driving away insects in less than 10 seconds.

  2. Natural and Safe: Unlike chemical sprays, cloves are natural and safe to use around children and pets. The smoke is not harmful and leaves a pleasant, spicy aroma in your home.

  3. Cost-Effective: Cloves are inexpensive and can be found in most grocery stores, making this method budget-friendly and easily accessible.

Tips for Use

  • Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation while burning cloves to avoid excessive smoke buildup in your home.

  • Repeat as Needed: For continuous protection, you may need to repeat this process periodically, especially during peak insect seasons.

Conclusion Burning cloves is a natural, quick, and effective way to get rid of cockroaches, mosquitoes, and flies in your home. This simple method leverages the powerful insect-repelling properties of cloves, providing you with a safe and pleasant-smelling solution to keep your living space pest-free. Try it out and enjoy a bug-free environment in less than 10 seconds!