Incorporating cloves into your rice might sound like a culinary experiment, but this combination has benefits that extend beyond taste. Cloves, a potent spice with powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, when added to rice, can be a part of an effective beauty regimen that rivals expensive salon treatments. This simple addition to your diet can enhance your skin’s health from the inside out. Here’s how using cloves with rice can boost your beauty routine naturally.

The Benefits of Cloves for Skin Health

Cloves are packed with eugenol, a compound known for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic qualities. They also contain a high level of antioxidants, which protect the skin against environmental damage and combat signs of aging by reducing wrinkles and preserving skin elasticity.

How Adding Cloves to Rice Enhances Beauty

  1. Antioxidant Boost: Adding cloves to rice provides a daily antioxidant boost. These antioxidants help fight free radicals, which are responsible for much of the skin damage and aging signs. Regular consumption can lead to clearer, more youthful skin.

  2. Natural Detoxification: The antimicrobial properties of cloves can aid in detoxifying the body. A clean internal system reflects on the skin, often leading to a reduction in acne and an improvement in overall skin clarity.

  3. Enhanced Digestion: Cloves stimulate digestion, which is crucial for eliminating toxins from the body. Better digestion helps in achieving a healthier complexion and can reduce skin problems linked to poor gut health.

How to Prepare and Use Cloves with Rice


  • 1 cup of rice (any variety will work)

  • 5-6 whole cloves

  • 2 cups of water


  1. Rinse the Rice: Begin by rinsing your rice thoroughly under cold water until the water runs clear.

  2. Cook with Cloves: Add the rice, water, and whole cloves to a pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low, cover, and let it simmer until the rice is cooked through and all the water is absorbed (about 18-20 minutes).

  3. Serve and Enjoy: Once cooked, remove the cloves and serve the rice. You can enjoy this fragrant rice as a side dish with your meals.


Adding cloves to your rice is not only a way to infuse flavor into your everyday meals but also a method to enhance your beauty regimen without stepping foot in a beauty salon. This natural approach supports skin health through nutrition, highlighting the importance of diet in maintaining a youthful and radiant complexion. Give it a try and watch as the humble kitchen ingredients of cloves and rice work their magic on your skin!