Have you ever wondered how to make yogurt that stays fresh for months? Known as “stone yogurt,” this robust version of the dairy delight has been cherished for generations in various cultures due to its impressive shelf life and delicious taste. Today, I’m excited to share with you the secret recipe for making stone yogurt at home, ensuring you can enjoy this healthy snack long after it’s made.

What is Stone Yogurt?

Stone yogurt is a type of yogurt that’s been prepared in a way that significantly extends its freshness and durability. This is achieved through a special preparation process that enhances its natural preservation. This type of yogurt is especially useful in areas without reliable refrigeration, and it’s prized for its thick, creamy texture and rich flavor.

Ingredients Needed

  • 1 liter of full-fat milk (the fat content is crucial for texture and taste)

  • 2 tablespoons of existing yogurt (as a starter culture)


  • A heavy pot

  • A wooden spoon

  • A thermometer (optional but helpful)

  • A container with a lid for storing the yogurt

  • A warm place for fermentation (such as a warmed oven or insulated cooler)

Steps to Make Stone Yogurt

  1. Heat the Milk:

    • Pour the milk into a heavy pot and slowly heat it to just before boiling (around 185°F or 85°C). This high temperature helps to change the protein structure in the milk, which is crucial for making thick yogurt.

  2. Cool the Milk:

    • Allow the milk to cool to about 113°F (45°C). You can speed up this process by placing the pot in a cold water bath.

  3. Add the Starter:

    • Stir in two tablespoons of existing yogurt. This introduces the bacteria needed to ferment the milk.

  4. Ferment:

    • Transfer the milk to your storage container and cover it. Place it in a warm, undisturbed area for about 6-8 hours. For stone yogurt, keeping the temperature consistent during this time is key. You can use an oven with the light on or a yogurt maker to maintain this environment.

  5. Store:

    • Once set, seal the container and store the yogurt. Stone yogurt can be kept at a cool room temperature for a few days, or in the refrigerator where it will last for several months.

Tips for Perfect Stone Yogurt

  • Thicker Consistency: For an even thicker yogurt, strain it through cheesecloth to remove excess whey.

  • Scale Up: This recipe can be scaled up or down; just keep the milk to starter ratio consistent.

  • Hygiene: Make sure all utensils and containers are extremely clean to avoid introducing unwanted bacteria to your yogurt.


Making stone yogurt is a delightful way to enjoy a product that not only tastes great but also has a surprisingly long shelf life without the need for modern refrigeration. This recipe not only provides a delicious and healthy snack but also connects you to a time-honored method of food preservation. Enjoy the creamy texture and deep satisfaction of making your own stone yogurt at home—it’s a rewarding process with delicious results!