It might sound unusual, but keeping a potato in your car could be a life-saving measure under certain circumstances. While a potato is commonly known as a staple ingredient in many delicious dishes, it also holds a few surprising properties that can be incredibly useful in emergency situations while you’re on the road. Here’s a look at how a simple potato could potentially save your life during car travel.

1. Natural Fog Remover

One of the most practical uses of a potato in your car is as a natural fog remover. Windows fogging up can significantly reduce visibility, which is a common and hazardous issue, especially during colder months or in humid climates. If you find yourself without a defogger, a potato can come to the rescue. Cut a raw potato in half and rub the cut side on the inside of your car windows. The potato creates a film over the glass that acts as a barrier, preventing fog buildup. This simple trick can enhance your visibility, making your driving safer in challenging conditions.

2. Emergency Food Supply

While it’s not the ideal snack, in an emergency situation where you might be stranded, a raw potato can serve as an emergency food supply. Potatoes are a source of carbohydrates and various nutrients, which can provide essential energy until help arrives or you can get to a safer location.

3. Light Reflector

A potato can also be used to create an improvised light reflector. If you’re stuck on the roadside at night, especially in a poorly lit area, you can slice a potato and use its wet inner surface to reflect headlights from passing cars. This can make your vehicle more visible to other drivers, potentially avoiding collisions and alerting others to your presence and need for assistance.


Keeping a potato in your car might seem like a quirky tip, but its practical applications can be unexpectedly vital in emergency situations. From improving visibility by preventing fogged-up windows to serving as an emergency food source, and even helping to make your vehicle more visible to other drivers, a potato is more than just a food item—it’s a multipurpose tool that could potentially save your life on the road. Next time you hit the road, consider stashing a potato in your car—it’s a simple preparation that could have significant benefits.