The Japanese omelette, known as Tamagoyaki, is a delicious and visually appealing dish that can be made with just one ingredient: eggs! This simple yet elegant omelette is perfect for any meal and is a great way to enjoy eggs in a new and exciting way. Here’s how you can make this delightful dish at home with ease.

What is Tamagoyaki?

Tamagoyaki is a type of Japanese omelette that is rolled into a log shape and typically sliced into pieces. It’s known for its light, fluffy texture and slightly sweet flavor. While traditional Tamagoyaki often includes seasonings like soy sauce and mirin, you can make a delicious version with just eggs.


  • 4 large eggs


  1. Prepare the Eggs:

    • Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat them thoroughly until the yolks and whites are fully combined. For a smoother texture, you can strain the beaten eggs through a sieve to remove any lumps.

  2. Heat the Pan:

    • Heat a non-stick skillet or a Tamagoyaki pan over medium-low heat. Ensure the pan is well-heated before adding any egg mixture to prevent sticking.

  3. Cook the First Layer:

    • Lightly grease the pan with a small amount of oil. Pour a thin layer of the beaten eggs into the pan, just enough to cover the surface. Tilt the pan to spread the egg evenly.

  4. Roll the Omelette:

    • As the egg begins to set but is still slightly runny on top, use a spatula or chopsticks to carefully roll the egg from one side of the pan to the other. Once rolled, push the rolled egg to one side of the pan.

  5. Add More Egg Mixture:

    • Pour another thin layer of beaten eggs into the pan, lifting the rolled omelette to allow the new layer to flow underneath it. Let the new layer set slightly before rolling the omelette again, incorporating the first roll into the new roll.

  6. Repeat:

    • Repeat this process, adding more egg mixture and rolling the omelette, until all the beaten eggs are used up. You should end up with a neatly rolled omelette log.

  7. Shape and Slice:

    • Once the omelette is fully cooked and rolled, remove it from the pan and let it rest for a minute. Slice the rolled omelette into even pieces.

  8. Serve and Enjoy:

    • Arrange the slices on a plate and serve warm. Tamagoyaki can be enjoyed on its own, with a sprinkle of salt, or accompanied by soy sauce for dipping.

Tips for Best Results

  • Consistent Heat: Maintain a consistent medium-low heat to prevent the eggs from burning and to ensure even cooking.

  • Thin Layers: Pour thin layers of egg mixture to create delicate layers within the omelette, contributing to its fluffy texture.

  • Patience: Take your time with the rolling process to achieve a neatly rolled omelette.


With just one ingredient—eggs—you can create a beautiful and tasty Japanese omelette, or Tamagoyaki, that’s perfect for any meal. This simple recipe highlights the natural flavor and texture of eggs, making it a delightful addition to your culinary repertoire. Give this easy and elegant recipe a try and enjoy the delicious results!

Here’s to enjoying the art of simple, delicious cooking with every bite of your homemade Tamagoyaki!