Cloves are more than just a kitchen spice; they are tiny powerhouses of health benefits. When I heard about the benefits of using cloves on the skin, I decided to give it a try. The results were surprising and impressive. Here’s what happened when I put cloves on my hands and why you might want to try it too.

The Benefits of Cloves

1. Natural Antiseptic

Cloves contain eugenol, a compound with powerful antiseptic properties. When applied to the skin, it can help kill bacteria and reduce the risk of infections. This makes cloves an excellent natural remedy for minor cuts and scrapes.

2. Pain Relief

Eugenol also has analgesic properties, which means it can help reduce pain. Rubbing clove oil or a paste made from ground cloves on sore muscles or joints can provide relief from aches and pains.

3. Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Cloves are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Applying cloves to inflamed or irritated skin can help reduce redness and swelling, providing soothing relief.

4. Moisturizing and Healing

Cloves can help to hydrate and heal the skin. They are rich in antioxidants, which help to protect the skin from environmental damage and promote a healthy, youthful appearance.

How to Use Cloves on Your Hands

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Prepare the Clove Oil or Paste: You can use clove essential oil or make a paste from ground cloves. To make a paste, mix a teaspoon of ground cloves with a few drops of olive oil or water until it forms a thick consistency.

  2. Apply to Hands: Rub the clove oil or paste onto your hands, focusing on areas that are dry, sore, or inflamed. Massage it gently into the skin.

  3. Leave It On: Allow the clove mixture to sit on your skin for about 15-20 minutes. This gives the active compounds time to work their magic.

  4. Rinse Off: After 20 minutes, rinse your hands with warm water and pat them dry with a clean towel.

What Happened When I Tried It

1. Smoother Skin

After using cloves on my hands, I noticed an immediate difference in the texture of my skin. It felt much smoother and softer. The natural oils in the cloves provided deep hydration, which was especially noticeable on dry patches.

2. Reduced Redness and Irritation

I often suffer from mild skin irritation, but after applying the clove mixture, the redness and irritation were significantly reduced. The anti-inflammatory properties of cloves helped to calm my skin and reduce any swelling.

3. Pain Relief

I also experienced relief from minor aches and pains. The analgesic properties of the cloves helped to soothe my sore joints and muscles, providing a pleasant, tingling sensation that alleviated discomfort.

Tips for Best Results

  • Patch Test First: Before applying cloves to a large area of your skin, do a patch test to ensure you don’t have an allergic reaction.

  • Use Regularly: For ongoing benefits, incorporate this clove treatment into your skincare routine once or twice a week.

  • Combine with Other Treatments: Cloves can be used alongside other natural treatments, like aloe vera or coconut oil, for added benefits.


Using cloves on my hands was a surprisingly effective way to improve skin health and reduce pain. Whether you’re dealing with dry skin, inflammation, or minor aches, cloves offer a natural and powerful remedy. Give it a try and see for yourself the incredible benefits that cloves can bring to your skincare routine!