Dealing with nail fungus can be frustrating and persistent. However, there’s an easy and effective solution that might already be sitting in your bathroom cabinet: mouthwash. Yes, the same mouthwash that keeps your breath fresh can also help eliminate nail fungus. Here’s how to use it and why it works.

Why Mouthwash Works

Mouthwash contains antiseptic and antifungal ingredients such as thymol, eucalyptol, and menthol, which are effective in killing bacteria and fungi. These properties make mouthwash a great remedy for treating nail fungus.


  • 1 cup of mouthwash (preferably one with antiseptic properties)

  • 1 cup of white vinegar

  • A basin or a shallow bowl


  1. Prepare the Soak In a basin or shallow bowl, mix equal parts of mouthwash and white vinegar. The vinegar enhances the antifungal effect of the mouthwash, making the soak even more effective.

  2. Soak Your Nails Submerge your affected nails in the mixture. Let them soak for about 15-20 minutes. The mouthwash and vinegar combination works to kill the fungus and prevent its spread.

  3. Rinse and Dry After soaking, rinse your nails with warm water and dry them thoroughly. Fungi thrive in moist environments, so keeping your nails dry is crucial to preventing further infection.

  4. Repeat Daily For best results, repeat this soaking process daily. Consistency is key to ensuring the fungus is completely eradicated and doesn’t return.

Additional Tips for Fighting Nail Fungus

  • Keep Your Nails Short and Clean: Trim your nails regularly and keep them clean to prevent the fungus from spreading.

  • Wear Breathable Footwear: Choose shoes that allow your feet to breathe and avoid tight-fitting footwear that can create a damp environment.

  • Change Socks Regularly: Wear clean socks daily and change them if they become damp or sweaty.

  • Disinfect Nail Tools: Ensure that any tools you use for nail care are disinfected to avoid re-infection.

Benefits of Using Mouthwash for Nail Fungus

  • Cost-Effective: Mouthwash is an affordable alternative to many over-the-counter antifungal treatments.

  • Convenient: You likely already have mouthwash at home, making it a convenient option for immediate treatment.

  • Gentle on Skin: Mouthwash is designed to be gentle enough for oral use, making it safe for soaking your nails.

Using mouthwash to treat nail fungus is an easy, effective, and inexpensive method that can yield great results. With regular use, you can say goodbye to nail fungus and enjoy healthier, clearer nails. So why not give this simple recipe a try and see the benefits for yourself? Your nails will thank you!