Creating your own homemade apple juice is a delightful way to enjoy the natural flavors of apples without any preservatives or additives. This simple process not only guarantees a fresh and wholesome beverage but also allows you to control exactly what goes into your juice. Here’s how you can make fresh apple juice at home using just apples and a little bit of lemon juice to preserve freshness.

Why Homemade Apple Juice?

Store-bought apple juice often contains added sugars, preservatives, and flavor enhancers that can detract from the natural health benefits of apples. By making your own juice at home, you ensure that you’re getting all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that apples have to offer, with none of the unwanted extras.


  • Fresh apples (any variety you prefer, though a mix of tart and sweet apples can create a nicely balanced flavor)

  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice (optional, to taste and help prevent oxidation)

  • Water (optional, if you prefer a thinner juice)

Equipment Needed:

  • Juicer or blender

  • Fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth

  • Large bowl

  • Clean bottles or jars for storing


1. Prepare the Apples:

  • Start by washing the apples thoroughly to remove any dirt or residues.

  • Core the apples and cut them into quarters. Peeling the apples is optional; leaving the skin on will provide additional nutrients and a bit of extra color to your juice.

2. Extract the Juice:

  • Using a Juicer: If you have a juicer, simply feed the apple quarters through the juicer. Collect the juice in a bowl or pitcher.

  • Using a Blender: If you’re using a blender, add the apple quarters to the blender with a bit of water to help the blending process. Blend until smooth, then strain through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth to separate the juice from the pulp.

3. Add Lemon Juice:

  • Stir in a little lemon juice to taste. This not only adds a zesty flavor but also helps keep the juice from turning brown.

4. Bottle and Chill:

  • Pour the freshly made apple juice into clean bottles or jars. Seal the containers and refrigerate immediately.

5. Serve and Enjoy:

  • Enjoy your homemade apple juice chilled. It’s perfect for a refreshing drink in the morning or any time of day.

Tips for Best Results:

  • Choosing Apples: For the best flavor, use ripe apples. A combination of different types of apples can enhance the complexity and depth of your juice.

  • Storage: Homemade apple juice is best enjoyed within a few days of making it, as it does not contain preservatives to extend its shelf life.


Making your own apple juice at home is a fun and satisfying way to enjoy the essence of fresh apples. This easy and straightforward method ensures you have a refreshing, healthy drink that is free from preservatives and additives, capturing the wholesome goodness of one of nature’s finest fruits.