If you’re looking for a simple yet incredibly delicious way to enjoy onions, this recipe is a must-try. A friend shared this trick with me, and I couldn’t believe how easy and tasty it is. By using an onion and just the lid of a pot, you can create a flavorful, caramelized dish that’s perfect as a side or topping. Here’s how you can do it too!


  • 1 large onion (any variety)

  • A pinch of salt

  • A drizzle of olive oil or butter


  1. Prepare the Onion: Start by peeling and slicing the onion into thick rings. You can use any variety of onion—yellow, red, or white, depending on your taste.

  2. Heat the Pan: In a large pan, add a drizzle of olive oil or a small amount of butter. Heat the pan over medium heat.

  3. Add the Onion Rings: Once the pan is hot, place the onion rings into the pan in a single layer. Sprinkle a pinch of salt over the onions to enhance their natural sweetness.

  4. Cover with the Lid: Now, here’s the secret! Place the lid of a pot over the onions directly in the pan. The lid will help trap steam and heat, cooking the onions evenly and intensifying their flavor.

  5. Cook Until Golden: Let the onions cook for about 5-10 minutes without moving them. The heat and steam will soften the onions and caramelize them to perfection. Once they’re golden and slightly crispy on the edges, they’re ready to go!

  6. Serve and Enjoy: Remove the lid and transfer the onions to a plate. You can serve them as a topping for burgers, steaks, or even salads, or just enjoy them on their own!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

  • Quick and Easy: With minimal ingredients and effort, you can create a delicious side dish in just minutes.

  • Natural Sweetness: Cooking onions this way brings out their natural sweetness, making them rich and flavorful.

  • Versatile: These caramelized onions can be used in a variety of dishes—from toppings for your favorite meals to a snack on their own.

A Simple Trick with Delicious Results

This simple method of cooking onions with just a lid enhances their flavor and texture, making them irresistibly delicious. Give it a try, and you’ll be amazed at how something so easy can taste so good!