
Ann Cameron, an acclaimed children’s book author, became an inspiration to many after her battle with colon cancer. In this article, she shares her personal experience and the incredible results she achieved through a simple but powerful remedy – carrot juice.

My Journey

In 2012, I underwent surgery for Stage 3 colon cancer. Despite declining chemotherapy, I started feeling better and better. However, six months later, a CT scan revealed probable cancer in my lungs. I was devastated when the oncologist informed me that I had Stage 4 colon cancer that had metastasized to the lungs. The doctor recommended chemotherapy to prolong my life, but it wouldn’t cure the cancer. The prognosis was grim, with or without chemo.

Hoping to find an alternative, I scoured the internet for options. That’s when I stumbled upon a letter from Ralph Cole, a California man who claimed that drinking the juice of five pounds of carrots daily had eliminated his small squamous cell cancers. Intrigued by his detailed account and his unbiased intentions, I decided to give it a try.

The Carrot Juice Miracle

On November 17, 2012, I started drinking the recommended amount of carrot juice every day. Just ten days later, a PET scan confirmed the presence of tumors and swollen lymph nodes in my lungs. These tumors were described as “avid for sugar” and “rapidly growing.” Despite the diagnosis, I remained determined to pursue the carrot juice treatment.

Unlike some supplements that are prohibited during conventional treatment, carrot juice is perfectly compatible with radiation or chemotherapy. I chose to forgo additional treatments and dietary changes, except for the daily consumption of carrot juice.

The Results

After eight weeks on the carrot juice regimen, I had my first follow-up CT scan. The results were astonishing – there was no growth of the cancer, the tumors had started shrinking, and the number of swollen lymph nodes had decreased. This progress mirrored Ralph Cole’s experience with squamous cell tumors.

Over the next six months, I continued faithfully drinking carrot juice every day. Despite occasional breaks due to travel, my CT scans showed no new cancer, no growth, and further shrinkage of the tumors. Then, on July 30, 2013, the unimaginable happened – a CT scan showed no evidence of cancer! The cancerous lymph nodes had returned to their normal size and remained stable.

Celebrating Life and Sharing Hope

I finally informed my oncologist about my carrot juice treatment. While she couldn’t officially recommend natural remedies due to the lack of formal studies and statistical support, she acknowledged the potential effectiveness of such substances against cancer.

Going forward, I plan to continue occasional carrot juice consumption, reduce meat and ice cream intake, and include more salads in my diet. It’s important to note that everyone’s journey is unique. What worked for me may not have the same effect on others. However, I firmly believe that carrots hold great potential in fighting a wide range of cancers.


My experience with carrot juice has been nothing short of miraculous. Within eight months, the cancer that once threatened my life had completely vanished. The active ingredient, falcarinol, has shown promise in lab experiments with rats and mice. I hope that further research and funding can validate its effectiveness in humans.

Whether you’re battling cancer or seeking preventive measures, I encourage you to explore natural remedies and discuss them with your healthcare provider. Remember, it’s crucial to make informed decisions and follow a holistic approach to health.

Please share my story and spread hope to everyone facing a similar journey. Let’s inspire each other and embrace the power of nature!

Best wishes for health and happiness,

Ann Cameron