Keeping insects at bay doesn’t always require harsh chemicals or expensive solutions. Sometimes, a simple and aromatic remedy like a coffee candle combined with cloves can be surprisingly effective. This DIY project not only fills your space with a pleasant aroma but also helps deter pesky insects naturally. Here’s how to create your own coffee candle with cloves to enjoy an insect-free environment.

Benefits of Coffee and Cloves for Repelling Insects

  • Coffee Grounds: Coffee grounds are known to repel insects, including mosquitoes and ants, due to their strong smell, which overwhelms the insects’ sense of smell and deters them from the area.

  • Cloves: Cloves contain eugenol, a natural insect repellent. Their intense aroma is particularly effective at keeping flying insects away.

Materials Needed

  • Unscented candle wax (soy wax or paraffin)

  • Wicks

  • Coffee grounds (used or fresh)

  • Whole cloves

  • Double boiler for melting wax

  • Candle mold or a small jar

  • Stir stick or spoon

  • Essential oils (optional, for added scent and repellency)

Instructions for Making a Coffee Candle with Cloves

Step 1: Prepare Your Materials

  • Prepare the Mold: Secure the wick in the center of your candle mold or jar. If using a jar, you can wrap the end of the wick around a pencil or stick laid across the top of the jar to keep it centered.

  • Mix Coffee and Cloves: In a small bowl, mix a handful of coffee grounds with whole cloves. The amount can be adjusted based on the size of the candle and desired intensity of the scent.

Step 2: Melt the Wax

  • Melt the Wax: Use a double boiler to melt your candle wax. If you don’t have a double boiler, you can place a smaller pot or heatproof bowl over a larger pot of boiling water.

Step 3: Combine Ingredients

  • Add Coffee and Cloves: Once the wax is melted, lower the heat and add the coffee and cloves mixture. Stir gently to distribute evenly.

  • Add Essential Oils: This is optional, but you can add a few drops of essential oils like citronella, eucalyptus, or peppermint for additional insect-repelling properties and fragrance.

Step 4: Pour the Wax

  • Pour the Wax: Carefully pour the melted wax into your prepared mold or jar. Make sure the wick stays centered as you pour.

Step 5: Allow to Set

  • Cool the Candle: Let the candle cool at room temperature until hard. This might take several hours. Avoid moving the candle during this time to ensure it sets evenly.

Step 6: Trim the Wick

  • Trim the Wick: Once the candle is completely set, trim the wick to about half an inch above the wax.

Using Your Coffee and Cloves Candle

  • Light the Candle: Light your coffee and cloves candle to release its aroma. The combination of coffee and cloves will help keep your living area free from insects.

Tips for Best Results

  • Refresh the Top Layer: Occasionally, you might need to add fresh coffee grounds or cloves to the top layer of the candle for renewed strength.

  • Location: Place candles in areas where insects are most frequent, such as near windows, doors, or outdoor seating areas.


Creating a coffee candle with cloves is not only a fun and creative activity but also an effective way to enhance your living environment, keeping it free from insects naturally. This DIY project is a sustainable alternative to chemical repellents, providing peace and comfort in your home or during outdoor gatherings. Enjoy your bug-free bliss with just a light of a candle!