Looking for a delightful twist on traditional whipped cream? You might be surprised to learn that you can create a delicious and healthy alternative using just chickpeas! Known as aquafaba, the liquid from canned chickpeas can be whipped up to create a light and fluffy topping that is perfect for desserts, coffee, and more. This two-ingredient recipe is not only simple but also a wonderful vegan option that’s free from dairy, sugar, and unhealthy oils.

What is Aquafaba?

Aquafaba is the viscous water in which legume seeds, such as chickpeas, have been cooked. Over recent years, it has gained popularity as a substitute for eggs and egg whites in cooking and baking, due to its ability to mimic their functional properties when whipped.


  • Liquid from 1 can of chickpeas

  • 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar (optional, helps stabilize the whip)

Equipment Needed:

  • Electric mixer or stand mixer

  • Mixing bowl

  • Measuring spoons


1. Prepare the Aquafaba:

  • Begin by draining the liquid from a can of chickpeas into your mixing bowl. The chickpeas themselves can be set aside for other recipes, so nothing goes to waste.

2. Start Whipping:

  • If you have it, add the cream of tartar to the aquafaba before you start whipping. This ingredient is not essential, but it helps to stabilize the mixture and achieve better peaks.

  • Use an electric mixer or stand mixer to whip the aquafaba. Start on a low setting to avoid splashing, and gradually increase to the highest speed.

  • Continue whipping for about 10-15 minutes or until the mixture becomes very light, fluffy, and forms stiff peaks similar to those you would expect from whipped egg whites.

3. Check Consistency:

  • The key to knowing when the aquafaba is ready is when you can turn the bowl upside down without the mixture falling out. This indicates that it has reached the ideal stiffness and is ready to be used.

4. Use or Store:

  • Use the whipped aquafaba immediately as a topping for pies, fruit bowls, or a dollop in hot beverages like coffee or hot chocolate.

  • If you’re not using it right away, the whipped aquafaba can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a few days. Simply re-whip it a bit if it loses stiffness.


Making whipped cream from chickpeas is a fantastic, healthy alternative to traditional options. It’s perfect for those who are vegan or allergic to dairy and eggs, and it offers a light, guilt-free way to enjoy a creamy, whipped topping. This easy, two-ingredient recipe not only adds a touch of luxury to any dessert or beverage but also aligns with a health-conscious diet. Give it a try, and you might find yourself preferring this delightful vegan substitute more often!