
There’s nothing quite like biting into a sweet, juicy watermelon on a hot day. But how do you ensure you pick the perfect one every time? Choosing a watermelon might seem tricky, but with a few simple tips, you can become a pro at picking the best of the bunch. Here are three key things to look for when selecting a watermelon.

1. Look for the Field Spot

The field spot is the creamy yellow spot on the watermelon where it rested on the ground and ripened in the sun. A good field spot is a sign of a ripe and sweet watermelon.

  • Color: Look for a field spot that is a rich, buttery yellow. A white or very light field spot means the watermelon was picked too early and won’t be as sweet.

  • Size: The field spot should be relatively large, indicating that the watermelon had plenty of time to ripen naturally.

2. Check the Sound

Tapping the watermelon can give you clues about its ripeness. A simple tap test can help you determine if the fruit is full of water and ready to eat.

  • Sound: Give the watermelon a firm tap with your knuckles. A ripe watermelon will produce a deep, hollow sound, which indicates it is full of juice. If it sounds dull or flat, it might not be ripe yet.

  • Feel: The watermelon should feel firm and heavy for its size, as this suggests it’s full of water and well-hydrated.

3. Inspect the Rind and Shape

The exterior of the watermelon can tell you a lot about its quality. Pay attention to the color, texture, and shape of the rind.

  • Color: Look for a uniform, dark green color with dull skin. Shiny skin can be a sign that the watermelon is underripe.

  • Texture: The rind should be relatively smooth but with a few rough patches. Avoid watermelons with too many bumps or irregularities.

  • Shape: A symmetrical, round, or oval shape usually indicates consistent growing conditions and a more evenly ripened fruit.


Picking a sweet and juicy watermelon doesn’t have to be a guessing game. By looking for a rich, yellow field spot, tapping for a hollow sound, and inspecting the rind for a uniform color and smooth texture, you can confidently choose the best watermelon every time. Enjoy the refreshing, hydrating delight of a perfectly ripe watermelon at your next picnic or barbecue. Happy picking!