Peeling garlic can be a bit of a hassle, but there are several techniques to make the process easier and quicker. Here’s one of the easiest and most effective methods to peel garlic efficiently:

The Shaking Method

What You’ll Need:

  • A couple of large, sturdy metal bowls (or a single metal cocktail shaker).

  • Whole heads of garlic.


  1. Break the Head: Start by using the heel of your hand to press down firmly on the garlic head. This will loosen the cloves and separate them from the base.

  2. Prepare to Shake: Place all the loose cloves into one of the metal bowls. Cover it with the other bowl to form a sphere (or use a cocktail shaker). Make sure the edges are sealed so no garlic escapes during shaking.

  3. Shake Vigorously: Shake the bowls (or shaker) vigorously for about 10-20 seconds. The idea is that the cloves will bang against each other and the sides of the bowl, causing the skins to peel off due to the friction.

  4. Check and Repeat: Open the bowls and check the cloves. Most, if not all, should have their skins loosened or completely removed. If there are any stubborn cloves, give them another quick shake.

  5. Finish Up: Remove the peeled cloves from the bowl, and you’re ready to use them in your cooking! Any leftover skin can be easily removed with a quick rub.

Why This Works

This method is great because it doesn’t require any special tools and can handle a large number of cloves simultaneously, saving time and effort. It’s particularly useful when you need a lot of peeled garlic for recipes like garlic paste, soups, or stews.

Using this shaking method, you can avoid the tediousness of peeling each clove individually and keep your hands relatively free from garlic smell. Plus, it turns a mundane task into a bit of a fun activity!