Placing garlic under the bed is an old folk remedy believed to offer several benefits, particularly for improving sleep and overall health. While it might sound like an unusual practice, garlic’s strong aroma and natural compounds have been used traditionally to harness its purported health-promoting effects. Here’s a closer look at why some people swear by this method:

Benefits of Garlic Under the Bed:

  • Natural Air Purifier: Garlic is known for its powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties. Keeping it under the bed may help purify the air and eliminate harmful pathogens, contributing to a healthier sleep environment.

  • Promotes Relaxation and Sleep: Garlic contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that may help reduce stress and promote relaxation, potentially leading to better sleep.

  • Wards Off Pests: Anecdotal evidence suggests that garlic’s strong smell can repel insects and pests, such as mosquitoes and bed bugs, which might enhance sleep quality by reducing pest disturbances.

How to Use Garlic for Best Results:

  1. Preparation:

    • Peel a few cloves of garlic to activate their natural oils, which contain the beneficial compounds.

    • You can either leave the whole cloves intact or slightly crush them to release more of the aroma and active ingredients.

  2. Placement:

    • Place the prepared cloves in a small bowl or on a plate to avoid direct contact with the floor or bed frame, which could absorb the oils or moisture from the garlic.

    • Slide the bowl under your bed, ideally near the head area where you sleep.

  3. Maintenance:

    • Replace the garlic cloves every few days to maintain their effectiveness. Garlic can lose its potency and may even rot if left out for too long.

Additional Tips:

  • Ventilation: If you find the smell of garlic too strong, ensure your room is well-ventilated. This will help diffuse the aroma while still allowing the garlic to act as a natural air purifier.

  • Alternative Methods: If you’re sensitive to strong odors, consider using garlic oil as a more controlled approach. You can dab a small amount on a piece of cloth or add it to a diffuser.


  • Allergic Reactions: Make sure you’re not allergic to garlic. If you experience any allergic symptoms, discontinue use immediately.

  • Odor Sensitivity: The strong odor of garlic might be overwhelming for some people and can potentially disrupt sleep rather than aid it. If you find the scent too powerful, it may be best to try a different remedy.

While there is no scientific evidence to fully support the effectiveness of placing garlic under the bed for health benefits, many cultures have used garlic in similar ways for generations. As with any home remedy, individual results may vary, and it’s always a good idea to consider personal sensitivities and preferences before trying it out.