Dealing with a night-time cough can be exhausting, especially when it disrupts your children’s or grandchildren’s sleep. Over the years, I’ve found a simple, natural remedy that has worked wonders for my family: lemon syrup. This homemade syrup is not only effective in soothing a persistent cough but also made from ingredients you likely already have at home.

Why Lemon Syrup?

Lemon is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which help boost the immune system and fight off infections. It’s also known for its natural ability to soothe the throat and reduce inflammation, making it perfect for calming a cough. When combined with honey, which has natural antibacterial properties and helps coat the throat, lemon syrup becomes a powerful remedy to ease night-time coughing.

How to Make Lemon Syrup


  • 1 large lemon

  • 1/2 cup of honey

  • 1 cup of water


  1. Start by washing the lemon thoroughly, then slice it into thin rounds.

  2. In a small pot, bring the cup of water to a gentle boil.

  3. Add the lemon slices to the boiling water and let them simmer for about 10 minutes. This allows the lemon to release its beneficial juices into the water.

  4. Remove the pot from the heat and let it cool slightly.

  5. Strain the lemon-infused water into a bowl and discard the lemon slices.

  6. Stir in the honey until it’s fully dissolved. The honey not only sweetens the syrup but also adds its own soothing properties.

How to Use It

Give your child or grandchild 1-2 teaspoons of this lemon syrup before bed. You can also give them another teaspoon if they wake up coughing during the night. The syrup will help to calm their cough, soothe their throat, and allow them to sleep more peacefully.

Tips for Success:

  • Storage: Store the lemon syrup in a clean jar in the refrigerator. It should keep for about a week, but you’ll likely use it up before then!

  • Warm It Up: If your child prefers, you can slightly warm the syrup before giving it to them, but be careful not to overheat it, as this can reduce the effectiveness of the honey.

This natural lemon syrup has been a staple in my family for years, and it’s helped both my children and now my grandchildren get the restful sleep they need. It’s simple, effective, and made with love, ensuring that night-time coughs don’t stand a chance. Give it a try and see the difference it can make!