Boiled Walnuts

The tradition of boiling walnuts in their shells is more than just a culinary curiosity; it’s a gateway to enhancing the flavor and nutritional value of this versatile nut. This technique, passed down through generations and cherished as a kitchen secret, offers a unique approach to preparing walnuts. Let’s explore why you should consider boiling walnuts and how to incorporate them into a delicious and healthful recipe.

The Benefits of Boiling Walnuts

Boiling whole walnuts in their shells serves multiple purposes. The process not only makes the shell easier to crack but also softens the walnut’s meat, enriching its taste and texture. This gentle cooking method can enhance the walnut’s natural flavors, making it a more palatable addition to various dishes. Moreover, it can potentially make the nuts’ nutrients more accessible.

A Recipe to Celebrate: Walnut and Chicken Delight

This recipe combines boiled walnuts with wholesome ingredients to create a dish that’s not only delicious but also beneficial for blood sugar and weight management. Here’s how to make it:


  • 120 grams of whole walnuts, in shells
  • 3 eggs
  • Salt, to taste
  • 300 grams of chicken fillet, boiled and shredded
  • 100 grams of plums, pitted and chopped
  • 100 grams of hard cheese, grated
  • 1 egg (for the sauce)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt (for the sauce)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of sweetener (for the sauce)
  • 1 teaspoon of mustard (for the sauce)
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (for the sauce)
  • 200 grams of vegetable oil (for the sauce)
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced


  1. Boil the whole walnuts in their shells for about 15 minutes until they are soft.
  2. Drain the boiled walnuts and allow them to cool. Once they are cool enough to handle, crack the shells and remove the inner meat. Set aside.
  3. In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs and add a pinch of salt. Stir in the shredded chicken, plums, and grated hard cheese.
  4. In a separate bowl, whisk together the egg, salt, sweetener, mustard, lemon juice, and vegetable oil to make the sauce.
  5. Heat a frying pan over medium heat and add the minced garlic. Cook until golden and fragrant.
  6. Add the chicken and plum mixture to the pan and cook for a few minutes until heated through.
  7. Stir in the boiled walnuts and continue cooking for another 2-3 minutes.
  8. Pour the sauce over the walnut and chicken mixture in the pan. Stir well to coat everything evenly.
  9. Cook for another 2-3 minutes until the sauce thickens and coats the ingredients.
  10. Serve the Walnut and Chicken Delight hot and enjoy!

By boiling the walnuts before incorporating them into this recipe, you’ll unlock their true potential, elevating the dish to new heights in terms of taste and nutritional value. Give it a try and experience the unique flavors that boiled walnuts can bring to your meals.