
Onion is not just a delicious addition to your meals, it is also a powerhouse of health benefits. Whether raw or cooked, onions are packed with nutrients that can improve your mood, lower the risk of certain cancers, and promote healthy hair and skin.

But did you know that onions can also be helpful for those with thyroid issues? Dr. Igor Knjazkinfrom from St. Petersburg has discovered a simple yet effective method using red onions to support thyroid gland function.

The method may sound a little odd, but it’s worth a try. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Cut up a red onion in the evening before bed, allowing its juice to flow.
  2. Take one half of the onion and gently massage your neck, focusing on the area around your thyroid gland, using smooth circular movements.
  3. Leave the onion juice on your neck overnight, allowing it to work its magic.
  4. Place a slice of onion in your socks and go to sleep.

You might be wondering why red onions specifically are used in this method. Well, red onions are known for their antibacterial properties and their ability to cleanse the skin. The phosphoric acids in red onions can also help purify the blood, making it a natural remedy for various health issues.

In fact, traditional medicine has long recognized the beneficial effects of onions, including their ability to purify the air, cleanse the blood, and kill pathogens and bacteria.

So, if you’re looking for a natural way to support your thyroid gland and promote overall health, give this onion method a try. It may just work wonders for you. Remember, sometimes the simplest solutions can bring about the most miraculous results.