Why buy cream cheese when you can easily make your very own creamy and delicious version in just five minutes? Not only is it easy to make, but it also guarantees a fresher and more flavorful taste. Whether you plan to spread it on a bagel or use it in your favorite recipes, this homemade cream cheese is sure to impress. Let’s dive into this simple recipe that requires just a handful of ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen.


  • 2 cups of plain yogurt (full-fat for a creamier texture)
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • Optional: Herbs or garlic for added flavor


  1. Prepare the Yogurt: Start by lining a colander with a fine cheesecloth or a clean, thin kitchen towel. Place the colander over a bowl to catch the liquid that will drip.
  2. Strain the Yogurt: Pour your yogurt into the lined colander. The aim is to remove as much liquid (whey) as possible, which will help thicken the yogurt into a cream cheese consistency.
  3. Add Lemon Juice and Salt: To the yogurt in the colander, add lemon juice and salt. These ingredients will infuse the cream cheese with flavor and enhance its tanginess. If you want to incorporate herbs or garlic, this is the perfect time to mix them in.
  4. Let it Drain: Allow the yogurt to drain for approximately 5 minutes. During this time, the whey will separate, and the yogurt will begin to thicken. For an even thicker consistency, you can extend the draining time up to an hour.
  5. Check the Consistency: After the draining process, check the consistency of your cream cheese. It should be thick and spreadable. If it’s still too liquidy, let it continue draining a bit longer.
  6. Transfer and Enjoy: Once you have achieved the desired thickness, transfer the cream cheese to a container. Congratulations! It’s now ready to be savored. Spread it on bagels, crackers, or use it in recipes that call for cream cheese.

Making your own cream cheese isn’t just quick and simple, but it’s also a healthier alternative to store-bought varieties. By making it yourself, you have control over the ingredients and can avoid preservatives. This fresh, homemade cream cheese will definitely elevate your meals and snacks with its smooth and rich flavor. Feel free to get creative by adding various herbs or spices to suit your taste preferences!