When it comes to natural remedies for cough, bronchitis, and pneumonia, a powerhouse trio of garlic, ginger, and onion stands out as a formidable natural antibiotic. This combination not only helps soothe symptoms but also boosts your immune system, providing a gentle yet effective treatment at home. Here’s how you can harness the benefits of these kitchen staples to combat respiratory ailments.


  • 1 medium onion

  • 2 cloves of garlic

  • A 2-inch piece of ginger

Step 1: Prepare Your Ingredients

Begin by peeling the garlic and ginger. You want to use fresh garlic and ginger for their potent antimicrobial properties. Crush the garlic cloves and grate the ginger finely to release their natural oils, which are key to their effectiveness.

Step 2: Slice the Onion

Onion acts as a fantastic base for this remedy because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Slice the onion into thick rings. Onion releases quercetin, a compound that helps ease bronchial spasms and has mild anti-inflammatory effects.

Step 3: Combine Ingredients

In a clean jar, layer the onion rings at the bottom. Next, sprinkle the crushed garlic and grated ginger evenly over the onion. The layering helps the ingredients meld their flavors and properties, creating a potent mixture.

Step 4: Let It Sit

Cover the jar and let the mixture sit at room temperature for about 12 hours. This duration allows the ingredients to infuse and form a concentrated remedy. The natural juices from the onion, garlic, and ginger will blend, enhancing the mixture’s therapeutic properties.

Step 5: Strain and Use

After 12 hours, strain the mixture to collect the liquid. This liquid contains concentrated amounts from all three ingredients and is your natural cough syrup.

How to Use:

Take a tablespoon of this natural syrup three times a day. If the taste is too strong, you can dilute it with a little warm water. This remedy is not only effective for soothing coughs but also helps clear congestion and fight infection.

Final Thoughts

Turning to natural ingredients like garlic, ginger, and onion for respiratory issues is a time-honored approach that many find beneficial. Not only are these ingredients readily available, but they also come with minimal side effects compared to over-the-counter medications. Give this natural remedy a try next time you need respiratory relief—it’s a testament to the power of nature’s own medicine cabinet!