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Only 1 Avocado and Tuna! Only a Few Know This Recipe – Delicious Avocado Salad

Sometimes the simplest recipes are the most delicious, and this avocado and tuna salad is a perfect example. With just one avocado and a can of tuna, you can whip up a tasty and nutritious salad that’s not only quick and easy but also packed with flavor. This little-known recipe is a delightful way to enjoy a healthy meal that feels indulgent.


  • 1 ripe avocado

  • 1 can of tuna (in water or olive oil, drained)

  • 1/2 small red onion, finely chopped

  • 1 small tomato, diced

  • Juice of 1/2 lemon or lime

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • A handful of fresh parsley or cilantro, chopped (optional)

  • A drizzle of olive oil (optional)


  1. Prepare the Avocado: Start by cutting the avocado in half and removing the pit. Scoop out the flesh into a bowl and mash it gently with a fork, leaving some chunks for texture.

  2. Add the Tuna: Drain the can of tuna and add it to the mashed avocado. Mix gently to combine, ensuring the tuna is well distributed throughout the avocado.

  3. Mix in the Veggies: Add the finely chopped red onion and diced tomato to the bowl. These add a fresh crunch and a burst of flavor that complements the creaminess of the avocado.

  4. Season the Salad: Squeeze the juice of half a lemon or lime over the salad to add a zesty kick and keep the avocado from browning. Season with salt and pepper to taste. If you like, drizzle a little olive oil over the top for extra richness.

  5. Add Fresh Herbs: If you’re using fresh parsley or cilantro, sprinkle it over the salad for a pop of color and flavor.

  6. Serve and Enjoy: This avocado and tuna salad can be enjoyed on its own, spread on toast, or served over a bed of greens for a more substantial meal. It’s delicious, refreshing, and satisfying—perfect for a quick lunch or a light dinner.

Tips for Success:

  • Use a Ripe Avocado: Make sure your avocado is ripe for the best texture and flavor. It should yield slightly when pressed.

  • Customize Your Salad: Feel free to add other ingredients like cucumber, bell pepper, or boiled eggs to make the salad even more hearty.

  • Serve Immediately: This salad is best enjoyed fresh. If you need to store it, cover it tightly and refrigerate, but it’s recommended to eat it within a few hours.

This avocado and tuna salad is a hidden gem that’s sure to become a favorite in your recipe collection. It’s simple, healthy, and incredibly tasty—perfect for those days when you want something delicious without spending too much time in the kitchen. Give it a try, and you’ll see why this recipe is worth sharing!