Boiling walnuts in water is an intriguing method that’s catching on globally due to its simplicity and the surprising benefits it offers. This technique can soften the walnuts, making them easier to digest, and also help in reducing their natural bitterness. Here’s why you might consider boiling walnuts and how to do it effectively.

Why Boil Walnuts?

  1. Reduces Bitterness: Walnuts can have a slightly bitter taste due to the tannins they contain. Boiling them for a short period helps leach out these tannins, resulting in a milder flavor.

  2. Improves Digestibility: The process can break down some of the complex compounds in walnuts, making them easier to digest.

  3. Enhances Texture: Softened walnuts are great for various culinary uses, from baking to salads, where a softer texture is desirable.

How to Boil Walnuts


  • Walnuts, as needed

  • Water


  1. Preparation: Begin by shelling your walnuts if they aren’t already pre-shelled. This ensures that the water can fully penetrate the nut.

  2. Boiling the Water: Fill a pot with enough water to cover the walnuts and bring it to a boil.

  3. Adding Walnuts: Once the water is boiling, add the walnuts. Reduce the heat to a simmer.

  4. Cooking Time: Let the walnuts boil for about 10-15 minutes. This time can vary depending on how strong you want the effect to be. Longer boiling times make them softer and reduce more bitterness.

  5. Cooling and Draining: After boiling, drain the walnuts and let them cool. They can be used immediately or stored for later use.

Uses for Boiled Walnuts

  • Baking: Use them in baked goods like breads, cookies, and cakes where a softer texture is beneficial.

  • Salads: Add them to salads for a nutritious, softer bite.

  • Snacking: Enjoy them as a less bitter, softer snack.

Storage Tips

Boiled walnuts should be used within a few days, stored in a refrigerator to maintain freshness. They can also be dried back out in a low oven if you prefer to restore a bit of crunch but keep the reduced bitterness.


Boiling walnuts is a simple culinary technique that can transform the way you use this nut in your cooking and snacking routines. Whether you’re looking to enhance their flavor, texture, or digestibility, this method is an excellent choice to try. As this method gains popularity, it’s easy to see why the whole world might start adopting it for their walnut needs. Give it a try and see how it changes your perception of this versatile nut!